How Can I Keep My Employees Safe During Mold Remediation?
11/25/2021 (Permalink)

When you discover mold at your commercial building in North Saint Paul, MN, first and foremost, it's critical that you keep your employees safe. Mold spores are virtually everywhere, outdoors and indoors. Mold is a hardy little life form that doesn't require much to grow into a full-on infestation, and it can take hold in what seems to be no time. Humidity and a source of nutrients are all it needs to take up residence in your property. The initial step upon discovering the infestation is to contact mold remediation professionals. They can guide you through the mold removal process from start to finish, however minor or severe the problem turns out to be. In the meantime, it's helpful to know several options for keeping your employees safe until the mold is gone for good.
4 Ways To Protect Your Employees From Mold
1. Use Various Mold Containment Methods
The mold remediation team you hire will use the necessary containment systems to keep the mold and its spores confined as much as possible inside the affected area. Containment is perhaps the most efficient way of keeping the unaffected area fungus-free. One of the most common and effective containment methods involves utilizing negative air chambers. This system prevents mold spores from traveling through the building's ventilation system. Some technicians will create barriers with thick plastic sheeting. Whatever procedure the cleanup team implements, they will probably limit traffic to restoration professionals, if possible. This restriction will significantly help mitigate the risk of cross-contamination.
2. Install HEPA Air Filters and Purifiers
Air purifiers can be a very beneficial investment for workspaces, whether a problem exists or not. Opt for air purifiers with high-efficiency particulate air filters. These HEPA filters are fine enough to remove mold spores and keep the air as clean as possible for your employees. You can also get HEPA filters for your heating and air ventilation system.
3. Provide Your Employees Personal Protective Equipment
Even if the affected area is contained, your employees aren't guaranteed to be completely safe from black mold exposure. Providing them with PPE, most importantly face masks or respirators, will help keep them safe from breathing potentially contaminated air that can escape during the mold removal process.
4. Allow Your Employees To Work Off-Premises
If your employees aren't required to physically be on the premises during work hours, consider allowing them to work at home or in another remote location while the restoration is underway. You may even have another building in which they could set up an office for a while. Mold cleanup can take days or even weeks, depending on the extent of the damage. While you probably can't afford to totally close your business during this time, it's also essential to keep your employees safe.
Finding out your building has a severe case of mold growth can be anxiety-provoking, to say the least. Business must continue, but is it safe for your employees to work on location during the mold removal process? Keep these tips in mind, be proactive, and plan how you could best handle this situation well ahead of time in case it happens in the future.