The Black Mold Remediation Process
9/17/2021 (Permalink)

Mold remediation is a time-consuming job that requires specialized training and equipment. Although many property owners assume that this can be done safely without involving experts, the truth is that mold spores move easily through the air and can quickly spread throughout your North Saint Paul, MN, commercial property. Once those spores find a place to land, it only takes a small amount of moisture and a food source for black mold or other types of fungi to support the growth of a colony. Certified mold cleanup and mitigation professionals are equipped to safely and effectively deal with this problem.
The Critical Steps of Black Mold Remediation
For lasting protection from mold-related damage, professionals move through several steps, beginning with mold assessment and ending with a final evaluation:
Assess and Identify the Moisture Source
Mold cannot grow without a source of moisture. The moisture source could be something as obvious as a leaking pipe or it could simply be the result of high humidity levels in a bathroom. In many cases, mold growth begins out of sight in hidden areas behind walls or under carpeting. This assessment includes samples from the air and surfaces and helps professionals determine the extent of the damage.
Remove the Source of Moisture
Getting rid of the moisture source is the first step of remediation. This includes repairing any broken pipes and fixing leaks. It could involve major tasks such as repairing a damaged ceiling or replacing an outdated plumbing system. This task is one of the most important areas of focus because doing it well is the best way to avoid future trouble.
Prevent Cross-Contamination and Spread
Tiny mold spores travel on moving air, clothing, hair, and skin. When property owners attempt to DIY mold cleanup, they inadvertently spread spores and create more trouble for themselves. One of the things professionals do before entering a mold-infected property is equipment themselves in personal protective gear:
- Protective clothing
- Helmets
- Gloves
- Boots
- Goggles
- Masks
Professional cleanup includes sealing off doors and windows between the affected area and unaffected areas. Contamination containment also involves dust suppression using special misting equipment.
Remove and Dispose of Waste
Anything that was contaminated by black mold or other fungi must be removed appropriately to prevent more contamination. This often involves double-bagging materials and treating the bags with a specialized detergent. Proper disposal of the containers is undertaken to ensure that spores aren't spread to other properties. During this step, mold remediation professionals use products and techniques approved by the EPA.
Disinfect and Dry All Surfaces
Properly disinfecting all surfaces in the affected area is another crucial step in the remediation process. A variety of techniques are used to clean porous and non-porous materials. Some of the supplies used during this step include wipes, wire brushes, HEPA vacuums, and polyethylene containment materials. Once all materials have been cleaned, technicians use sunlight, fans, heat sources, and dehumidifiers to make sure everything is completely dry.
Test and Evaluate Cleanup Results
Some mold remediation professionals complete this test, but many arrange for a third party to take air and surface samples. This testing is done to determine that the moisture source has been removed, all mold damage has been repaired, and air quality levels are appropriate.
Black mold remediation is a tedious task that requires a lot of specialized training and equipment. Leave this work to North Saint Paul, MN, professionals who have access to the necessary supplies.