Tips for Teaching Fire Safety to Kids
5/25/2021 (Permalink)
As a parent, your kids' safety is likely the number one priority on your list. Therefore, it just makes sense to have a simple escape plan that they can remember so that they can get out of your house in North St. Paul, MN, quickly in case of a fire. Here are a few things to teach them to ensure they know the drill.
Teaching Fire Safety to Kids
How To Get Out of the House
The smoke detector is probably the first indication that there is a home fire. When your kids hear this, they must know the steps to take to get to safety:
- Bed roll - Instead of sitting up in bed, roll to their stomachs and use the hand closest to the side to guide them to the floor.
- Floor crawl - Crouch down on hands and knees or on their bellies if smoke and heat are already in the room and crawl toward the escape.
- Test door - Touch door to see if it's still cool and if so, open slowly to see if it's safe to crawl out of the room.
Practice doing these things with your whole family so that everyone can be familiar with what to do in the event of an emergency. Your kids' safety may depend on their ability to get out of the house on their own, and these drills teach them how to do that.
How To Find Each Other After Escaping
You also want your kids to know where to go after they get out of the burning house. Fire restoration experts recommend that include a safe spot where you will meet if you get separated in your fire escape plan. A trusted neighbor's house or a well-lit parking lot of a business down the street are both good options.
Knowing what to do when there's a fire is important for everyone in the family. Protect your kids' safety by teaching and practicing the plan until they are comfortable with it.