How To Create an Office Fire Evacuation Plan
1/20/2021 (Permalink)
Your employees are your most valuable asset. Where would your North St. Paul, MN, business be without them? A fire escape plan is essential for your people and property; a fire can start virtually anywhere at any time. Devising an emergency escape plan doesn’t have to be complicated.
5 Points to Include in Your Fire Escape Plan
Here are the most critical points to include in your plan:
1. Consider Various Scenarios
No one can prepare for every possible scenario, but it is essential to be ready for as much as possible. Fire damage experts suggest considering the types of fires most likely to threaten your business. Maybe it’s cooking appliances in the breakroom, employees’ portable space heaters or something more industry-specific. Then, brainstorm “ what if” scenarios. When you and your employees are prepared for various scenarios, it’s no longer viewed as “the unimaginable.” Everyone will know the procedure.
2. Assign Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities should be established to have leaders to which others can look for guidance during an emergency. A clear chain of command should be created, along with backups.
3. Plan Escape Routes and Gathering Areas
A fire escape plan should always have primary and secondary escape routes marked. In addition to posting maps of the exit routes, ensure that all the exits are clearly marked. Designate areas for employees to assemble after evacuating the building. Make sure the area can safely accommodate everyone a safe distance from the building.
4. Inspect Equipment and Train Proper Use
Ensure that all your emergency equipment is up-to-date and in proper working order. Your staff should also know where all the emergency equipment is and how to use it properly.
5. Perform Fire Drills
Regularly rehearsing fire drills can help decrease confusion and make evacuation techniques almost second nature. This will ensure that everyone can get out as quickly and safely as possible.
Creating a proper fire escape plan is crucial for your employees and business. Keep your employees aware and all of your emergency equipment maintained regularly. This will ensure that your evacuation plan is operated as safely and efficiently as possible.